Old Assignments

f you have any questions concerning the new rules check the tab “The updates to the syllabus” (the one that is next to “Recommended Readings” on this webpage). If you are still feeling confused email me and/or use Office hours for virtual face-to-face discussions.

For this week you have to read Lectures pp 1-3, Descartes. Meditations on First Philosophy pp. 1-18 (all readings are on our class website: https://phi1001701.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ and to watch the following videos.

After you will finish your reading and watching:

  1. you have to post a response to a question on BlackBoard by Wednesday (March 25), 11:59 pm:


2. you have to post your own question on the Discussion Board by Friday (March 27), 11:59 pm:


Videos for the week.

Review of the quiz:


Introduction to Modern Time:



Descartes. First Meditation. Part I



Descartes. First Meditation. Part II



Descartes. First Meditation. Part III



Descartes. Second Meditation.




Hello and welcome to the 3rd  week of distance learning.

For the next week (4/4-4/10) you have to:

Descartes. The 3rd Meditation. Part I

https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/rec/share/5OBWLKzO_EVIYLOR1XHNUYRxGrr_aaa823If_vQNzBqkSi_Q9PNvxYhuI3P-TYNL?                      startTime=1584886476000

Descartes. The 3rd Meditation. Part II


The due date for this assignment is Friday, April 10, 11:59 pm.


Office hours will be maintained using Zoom. Please find below the time for office hours and the links to get on Zoom to contact me. You may install a Zoom app, but you are not required to do it. Your browser should be enough. If you will encounter any problem email me or call me.


M: 3:00  pm- 4:00 pm (Zoom:https://liu.zoom.us/j/616177475?pwd=eGdEVDlEeWozQjZRVGhhdzhRdkpMdz09);

Th.3:00 pm – 4:00 pm  (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/699285215?pwd=citDVWFlc0FEOGJnQlZtTnpRS0R1dz09)

Sa: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/941445491?pwd=MU9wV0phREtWNDRDNzlRdi9La1NQdz09)


I have created a new tab on our class website: Old Assignment. If you would like to check all assignments or links to the already watched video you may use this tab.


Hello and welcome to the 4th   week of distance learning.

For the next week (4/11-4/17) you have to:

Descartes. The 4th Meditation.



Descartes. The 5th  Meditation.




Office hours will be maintained using Zoom. Please find below the time for office hours and the links to get on Zoom to contact me. You may install a Zoom app, but you are not required to do it. Your browser should be enough. If you will encounter any problem email me or call me.


M: 3:00  pm- 4:00 pm (Zoom:https://liu.zoom.us/j/616177475?pwd=eGdEVDlEeWozQjZRVGhhdzhRdkpMdz09);

Th.3:00 pm – 4:00 pm  (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/699285215?pwd=citDVWFlc0FEOGJnQlZtTnpRS0R1dz09)

Sa: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/941445491?pwd=MU9wV0phREtWNDRDNzlRdi9La1NQdz09)

Password: 124692.


I have created a new tab on our class website: Old Assignment. If you would like to check all assignments or links to the already watched video you may use this tab.



Hello and welcome to the 5th   week of distance learning.

For the next week (4/12-4/18) you have to:


  • Watch the following videos:
  1. Introduction to Kant’s theory of knowledge. Hume vs Descartes. Rational philosophy vs Empirical philosophy:


Access Password: y4^4J0Er

2. Kant’s Theory of knowledge.


Access Password: I0^.?^8!


3. Review:


Access Password: F0.O!008



Office hours will be maintained using Zoom. Please find below the time for office hours and the links to get on Zoom to contact me. You may install a Zoom app, but you are not required to do it. Your browser should be enough. If you will encounter any problem email me or call me.


M: 3:00  pm- 4:00 pm (Zoom:https://liu.zoom.us/j/616177475?pwd=eGdEVDlEeWozQjZRVGhhdzhRdkpMdz09);

Th.3:00 pm – 4:00 pm  (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/699285215?pwd=citDVWFlc0FEOGJnQlZtTnpRS0R1dz09)

Sa: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/941445491?pwd=MU9wV0phREtWNDRDNzlRdi9La1NQdz09)

Password: 124692.


I have created a new tab on our class website: Old Assignment. If you would like to check all assignments or links to the already watched video you may use this tab.


Hello and welcome to the 6TH  week of distance learning.

For the next week (4/25-5/1) you have to:

  1. Read Kant: Morality. (As usual, the reading is on our class website: (https://phi1001701.commons.gc.cuny.edu/kant-morality/)


2. Watch the following videos:

A. Kant: Morality. Part I.


Access Password: 3p*@4=B%


B. Kant: Morality. Part II.


Access Password: 8a*$=3$3


3. Post a response on BlackBoard: the due date for this assignment is Wednesday, April 29, 11:59 pm.

4. Post your own questions on the third Meditation on OpenLab: https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/phi-100-intro-to-philosophy-vak-sp-2020/2020/04/25/kant-morality/. The due date for this assignment is Friday, May 1, 11:59 pm.


Office hours will be maintained using Zoom. Please find below the time for office hours and the links to get on Zoom to contact me. You may install a Zoom app, but you are not required to do it. Your browser should be enough. If you will encounter any problem email me or call me.


M: 3:00  pm- 4:00 pm (Zoom:https://liu.zoom.us/j/616177475?pwd=eGdEVDlEeWozQjZRVGhhdzhRdkpMdz09);

Th.3:00 pm – 4:00 pm  (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/699285215?pwd=citDVWFlc0FEOGJnQlZtTnpRS0R1dz09)

Sa: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. (Zoom: https://liu.zoom.us/j/941445491?pwd=MU9wV0phREtWNDRDNzlRdi9La1NQdz09)

Password: 124692.


I have created a new tab on our class website: Old Assignment. If you would like to check all assignments or links to the already watched video you may use this tab.